Equine athletes treated with hyperbaric oxygen therapy are able to return to tracks more frequently and compete at their full potential.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

How do horses respond to being treated?

Protocol is different for each horse, and many conditions are treated with HBOT sessions of 30 to 90 minutes per day over a period of several days. Operators monitor their equine patients with audio and video equipment. Most horses show no reluctance to enter or remain in the chamber, with some even going to sleep during treatment. Human patients report a feeling of mild elation and wellbeing after HBOT, and there is no reason to think that horses respond any differently to the experience.
Horses are fitted with a comfortable facial mask which allows pure oxygen to flow freely throughout the body. This special type of hyperbaric treatment is designed to be low stress, and typically takes about an hour to complete.
Treatment time:
The number of treatments required, maximal pressure and time in the chamber depends upon the condition being treated and the general health of the patient. The specific Hyperbaric Oxygen treatment schedule varies with each horse and the disease being treated. Similar to antimicrobial therapy, hyperbaric oxygen is administered daily for a series of treatments. Usually the duration of treatment is 60 minutes per session.

Preparation of Your Horse Prior to Treatment:

Horse’s safety must be the primary concern. It should be ensured that the horse is clean and free from any of the following:

·       Fly Spray
·       Baby Oil
·       Oil-based grooming products (Show Sheen)
·       Poultice or liniments of any kind
·       Alcohol or alcohol-based substances
·       Hoof oil
·       Iodine
·       Petroleum Jelly (Vaseline)
·       Pain patches
·       Electrical or battery-operated products
     Prior to treatment, the following will be removed
·       Leather products (boots, halters, neck straps)
·       Nylon or synthetic products (bandages, blankets, halters, etc.)

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